Bears (3rd Grade)
Children attending 3rd grade are part of the Bear program. To complete the Bear advancement, all required adventures must be completed, and two electives. Below, you will find a list of all possible adventures, both required and elective. While the Den Leader will select the adventures to be completed during the Den Meetings, parents are encouraged to complete any of the other adventures with their Scout! This way each Scout will get the full benefit of Scouting.
If you would like to follow along with the progress of your Cub Scout and their rank advancement, we keep all our records through Scoutbook. This is a great resource that will tell you what your Scout has completed and where they currently are in their rank progress!
Path to Advancement
Third graders work toward the Bear rank. The Bear rank is earned by completing eight adventures as described below.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least two elective adventures of your den’s or family’s choosing.
The Den leader will approve each requirement by signing the Scout’s handbook or completing the adventure through Scoutbook. Scouts receive an adventure loop on completing each adventure and, after meeting all requirements, will earn their Bear Rank badge.
Bear Den Annual Plan
Bear Annual Plan
Bear Adventure Tracking Sheets
Bear Rank Tracking Sheets
Mandatory Adventures
Bobcat (Bear)
Bear Habitat
Bear Strong
Fellowship: Duty to God
Paws for Action: Duty to Country
Standing Tall
Elective Adventures
A Bear Goes Fishing
Archery (Bear) *
Balancing Bears
Baloo the Builder
BB (Bear) *
Bears Afloat
Bears on Bikes
Champions for Nature (Bear)
Chef Tech
Critter Care
Let’s Camp Bear
Marble Madness
Race Time Bear
Roaring Laughter
Salmon Run
Slingshot (Bear) *
Summertime Fun
Super Science
*Denotes that these activities can only be completed on the Council level.