Cub Scout Pack 933 Calendar
See below for the 2024 - 2025 Events Flyer
Coastal Georgia Council's Calendar
This is the calendar of events for the entire council. Please use the Pack 933 Calendar above for events that involve our Pack. This calendar is a reference for scheduling purposes.
Cub Scout Pack 933 Announcements
Last Updated 1/16/25
Camp Card Fundraiser – Coming Soon
Our Camp Card Fundraiser will be coming soon! This is always a big hit with our community and very profitable for our Pack. This is our only Pack fundraiser that we are doing this year, so the committee is asking that everyone try very hard to sell these cards! We will be giving our envelopes with 15 cards in each one. We ask that you please sell these 15 cards, and if you need more, we can get you more. Cards are $10 and $5 of this price goes back into our account for camps/materials/events. Please help our your Pack with this great fundraiser!
Winter Camp @ Camp Castanea - January 31st – February 1st
We are planning to camp at Castanea for our annual winter camp! We always have fun around the campfire and letting the kids have a fun day. We will be setting up camp starting at 5:00pm on January 31st and dismissing after lunch on February 1st. We will be providing snacks Friday evening (not a meal), breakfast Saturday morning, and lunch before you leave. Cost is $10 per person, or $25 per family, whichever is cheaper for you.
We will also have our AOL Scouts catching up on their AOL rank for anything they may have missed in preparation for AOL Crossover! Make sure to have your Scout there!
Scout Sunday – February 23rd
Liberty Baptist Church in Lyons has graciously offered to host Scout Sunday once again this year. They have always treated us well and honored your Scouts during the service. We will sit as a group during the service (in uniform), then the church is providing a meal and patch following the service. Let’s show our Scouts how to be Reverent!
AOL Crossover and District Day Camp (Pinewood Derby Workday) – March 1st
Come out to Camp Castanea as we watch our AOL Scouts become members of Troop 933! We have enjoyed these Scouts and their fantastic contribution to Pack 933, but it’s time for them to move on! We will start the morning with their Crossover ceremony, followed by a light meal, then have a Pinewood Derby Workday. We will be cutting cars, getting them to weight, and painting them. Come on out ready to have a good time!
Pinewood Derby Pit Night – March 14th
We are so excited about Pinewood Derby Season. The kids (and family) always have a wonderful time! Just like we did last year, we will have a “Pit Night”. If you plan on racing on Saturday, you must bring your car to the event Friday night for final weigh-ins. There are no exceptions to this rule. The Race Official must evaluate each car to ensure they are following the Derby Rules. This starts at 6:00pm and ends at 7:30pm. You can bring your car anytime during those times.
Pinewood Derby – March 15th
Derby Day is here! Saturday March 15th will be a day full of fun! We will have assigned times for each den to race, but we encourage you to come early, hang out, and see everyone else race! We will have a few other packs visiting with us as well, so come see whose car is the fastest! The Snack Shack will be open with drinks and snacks all day, and will even have a sack lunch for those who wish to eat at the event. Come hang out prepared to have a good time and support your friends! See Derby Flyer for times.
2025 Scheduled Meetings
January 16th
February 6th, 20th
March 6th, 20th
April 17th
Our private Facebook Page, “Cub Scouts Pack 933”, is still the best way to announce last minute notifications. This can also be used for general questions and discussion. We also have a public Facebook page. It is listed as “Cub Scouts Pack 933, Vidalia GA”. If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to me personally at 912.245.5674. I am looking forward to these great events coming up with your families!